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Frequently asked questions

Here are a few of the most common questions we receive. If you require further help of clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The limit of indemnity provided is £50,000,000 any one occurrence.

There are no minimum or maximum age limits on the Public Liability insurance.

Cover for clubs and organisations is provided automatically as a benefit of affiliation and event licensing. For coaches and run leaders cover is provided as a benefit once qualified and any membership fee to the appropriate NGB has been received.

There is an evidence of cover letter available on this website. This should be shown in conjunction with evidence of affiliation or Coach licence.

The policy covers activities anywhere in the world, provided that claims are brought in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.

Cover is provided for legal liability arising from Injury caused as a result of first aid administered.  This applies to first aid given by qualified first aiders, those with first aid awareness training or unqualified people.  Cover does not apply to medical professionals who are expected to hold their own liability policy.

Training - buggies are able to be used at training sessions, but they must be buggies designed and manufactured for the use and terrain (and not a standard pushchair), and must be fitted with a 5-point safety harness. All runs should be on suitable surfaces which can accommodate a buggy safely (e.g. rough terrain/trail paths would not be suitable for this purpose).  Your risk assessments should take this into account, and an inspection of any buggies used should be carried out to ensure that they are fit for purpose.  Also, the length of the training run should be a suitable for a child to be strapped in a buggy. 

Races/Events - It is at the discretion of the individual Race Directors based on their Event Risk Assessment whether or not buggies are allowed in a particular race/event. In races/events that they are allowed they should always start at the back and should be treated similar to pushed wheelchairs. Race/event organisers should follow UKA guidelines on the use of buggies.

Training: Dogs and other animals must not accompany any runner during a club or coach / leader led session that takes place on roads where interaction with traffic and pedestrians create inherent risks. Each runner may be accompanied by one dog in club or coach / leader led sessions that are predominantly off-road, subject to appropriate risk assessment. A risk assessment should include the risk to the dog, the runner, other members of the running group, members of the public, and other animals and wildlife in the training area.

Races/Events: The guidance issued by UKA is that “Runners must not be accompanied by a personally owned or controlled dog”.  

Canicross: Canicross is not recognised by UK Athletics and is not permitted within any licensed competition. 

There is no Personal Accident benefit provided for injuries. 

The policy does not provide cover for any event that is not an athletics event within one of the six disciplines defined in UK Athletics Rules for Competition. The disciplines are: 

  • Track and Field
  • Race Walking
  • Cross Country
  • Road Running
  • Fell, Hill and Mountain Running
  • Trail Running. 

For the avoidance of doubt the UKA Public Liability insurance policy will only apply to those competitions that are organised under UK Athletics Rules by an organisation affiliated to UKA and holding a licence for the event, and the six disciplines exclude any event that is not described in UKA Rules for Competition such as Colour Runs and events that incorporate obstacles, unless the event is a Fun Run incorporated within the programme of a licensed event. 

Trialists are deemed to be temporary members of the club during this period, and therefore covered by the policy.

Yes, the club is insured to host taster sessions for potential new members.

The Public Liability policy provides cover for the legal liability of the Club to third parties arising out of the use of any premises in their custody or control.  

Social and fundraising events are covered by the policy.

As a Guide Runner you automatically receive the benefit of Public Liability insurance which applies whilst you are involved in athletics training or activities within the terms of your licence.  Cover applies to all athletics activities, training and competitions including when outside of an organised club session. Please note requirements for licensing guide runners differ in each of the home countries. Contact your relevant home country for further information.

There is no cover for damage to your own or hired in property.  If you would like to obtain a quote for property Insurance please click here.

UKA Insurance does not provide you with Travel Insurance. Travel insurance covers items such as overseas emergency medical treatment, repatriation costs, cancelled flights etc. and this should be purchased separately. You can obtain a quotation here.

The policy provides cover for legal liability to volunteers.

The policy covers activities anywhere in the world, provided that claims are brought in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.
The policy is only intended for coaches who are UK residents, but does include cover for things such as overseas training camps.  If you are resident outside Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands you should ensure that you have your own appropriate alternative cover.

The guidance for Coaches, Coaching Assistants or Run Leaders to athletes is a ratio of 1:10 provided that the Coach/Leader is above 18 years of age.
When working with under 18s there is further advice around adult to child supervision ratios. The UKA guidance on appropriate supervision levels for children and young people can be found here Guidance-on-appropriate-supervision-ratios-FINAL-Sep-2022.V3.01-1.pdf (

It is acknowledged that at times unforeseen circumstances mean that planned supervision ratios can’t be adhered to. In these situations, coaches should make reasonable adjustment to the session activities as per the guidance in section one of the following document Guidance-on-appropriate-supervision-ratios-FINAL-Sep-2022.V3.01-1.pdf (


Please refer to the document below for information as to what your qualification allows you to coach

A qualified Coach or Leader in Running Fitness should be provided wherever possible. However, it is recognised that there may be unforeseen circumstances where this is not always possible.  

In those circumstances it is in order for an Assistant Coach or an adult to lead the run acting under the instruction of a qualified Coach, as long as all athletes are aged 18 or over. The session must take place within an authorised club activity with first aid provision, and must be managed by a qualified Coach who holds a current UKA licence.  
Although the Coach / Leader may not be physically able to accompany a group on a training run, the session should be planned and managed by a qualified Coach and good practice guidelines followed, including the provision of first aid.

It should be noted that all club sessions should follow the safeguarding and supervision requirements as laid out here. Therefore without a suitable adult present (Coach) it might not be possible to offer the planned session to under 18s.

UKA insurance policy enquiries - contact Marsh

If you can't find what you are looking for on this website, please do not hesitate to contact our specialist sports insurance team. We will be happy to help. Our office hours are Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm (we are closed on bank holidays).