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Risk management webcast series: Mitigating the impacts and maximising recovery from COVID-19

New realities created by COVID-19 have dramatically impacted the way organisations operate. Our parent company Marsh are hosting a series of risk management webcasts to discuss practical steps to help organisations respond to and recover from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Register using the links below for the webcasts you are interested in attending. The series will cover the following topics:

Managing Employers' Liability During a Crisis

20/04/20 - 14:00

This webcast will consider the health and safety responsibilities and liability implications associated with changes to working arrangements as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.


COVID-19 Property Risk Profile Changes

24/04/20 - 09:00

This webcast recommends practical steps, considerations, and tips to help keep facilities safe and secure during their temporary closure.


Risk Profile Changes in the New World

28/04/20 - 12:00

This webcast will explore the evolving risk profile changes of organisations from business interruption and risk appetite to the ever-developing cyber threat landscape.


Maximising Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic

01/05/20 - 12:00 

Decisions taken today will have a very real impact on how successful your organisation's recovery from COVID-19 will be in the future. This webcast will provide practical guidance to help reduce or avoid the most extreme business impacts.


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For more information please contact us.